Friday 20 March 2009

A Topside of Beef and an Oscar...

Hi there. Thanks for popping along! The question on everybody's lips has to be, "A Topside of Beef and an Oscar... Is she some sort of mental?" Let me quench your desire with an explanation. I have only ever won one thing in my entire life - a topside of beef in a community hall game of bingo. I couldn't even eat the bloody thing because it was frozen, it was a hot day and I was not willing to risk dying from food poisoning however excited I was to have won something. But I'm not bitter. Oh no. Not bitter at all. Whilst everyone else was winning sports trophies and quizzes and the lottery I still had the honour of winning my topside of beef and no-one could take that away from me.

The next thing I win will be an Oscar. Or an Olivier Award. That would be rather lovely. I'm an actress based in London which makes (only slightly) more tenable than say if I were working in Tescos or perhaps a Toby Carvery. I'm sure they do lovely awards for their most talented staff members and I'm sure every winner fully deserves their accolade (not that I got one at the Toby - I'm sure I'll touch on this at some point later on).

So there we are. An introduction if ever there were one. More than likely I'll be writing this for myself and no-one else but whatevs - I've got plenty of time to kill at my office job so even if it only entertains me that'll do nicely.


Me xx

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