Friday, 20 March 2009

What's It All About?

So at the moment I'm in a play at a West End fringe venue which is plodding along rather nicely. Only three performances left and pretty much sold out for the rest of the run. Nice. Two days ago we had the casting director in who cast the most recent film version of the play... No pressure there then!! Thankfully I didn't find out that little snippet until after she'd been.

Have been very good/rather lame in the drinking stakes surrounding this play mainly because I had two weekends of alcohol induced sickness about two weeks ago and at the risk of sounding rather poncey I didn't want to harm my performance. I wasn't even going to drink two weeks ago - I was planning on having a boogie and a giggle with the girls and wanted to do it on the cheap so had a glass of wine before I left home. I then proceeded to drink vodka, champagne, sambuca and B52s. I never bloody learn! I know I really can't handle that mixing malarkey but somehow I always go in for it. Just trying to be cool aren't I. What a twat! Maybe if I wasn't having to come into the office every day whilst the play's on I could handle the hangover but eight hours of formatting is bad enough without headaches, vomit and the sweats to add to the trauma. Literally fell into bed last night - didn't even do the skincare ritual or brush my teeth(rank!). Have no idea how I'm going to survive the aftershow party after a matinee and an evening performance. Don't get me wrong, I can handle the fun part... it's just the nightbus I dread. There will be absolutely NO mixing on Saturday. Believe me, the nightbus is not the place for the aftermath of a night out. There was a party to celebrate the end of a touring panto season I did but the bar was so packed me and my mate bought about 4 doubles each and drank them in far too short a period of time. After a right old laugh on the dancefloor we paid a visit to the golden arches before valiantly braving the nocturnal chariot of the NXX. Let's just say the mixture of raspberry vodka and maccy-ds was somewhat less delightful on the way back up than it was on the way down.

I can see where this blog is going. Unfortunately most of my anecdotes revolve around vomit. Just imagine what I'm doing to my poor body. Maybe I should try to stick to the soda waters on a more regular basis. But everyone's allowed the odd binge. Aren't they?!!!


Me xx

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